
Learn, Teach, Practice

Safety Jeopardy!

It’s No Game

You Can Make a Difference

Prevention Is the Only Cure

What is the proper way to wear a helmet?

Remember to use the 2-V-1 rule so that you can make sure you are wearing your helmet properly every time you ride.

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It's the law in Ontario for children and adolescents under 18 years old to wear an approved bicycle helmet. Be a good role model... Wear your helmet when you ride your bike.


Failing Grade For Protecting Our Children

How do we stack up against other countries for Protecting our Children?

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Canada ranks in the bottom tier of wealthy countries for children's well-being.

Canadian childhoods are in crisis according to a report released by UNICEF Canada.

Canada ranks 30th out of 38 countries?!

We Can Make a Difference

We can be the #1 place for a child to grow up healthy and safe.

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A Spill, a Slip,

a Hospital Trip.

How to Prevent Falls?

  • Install approved safety gates at stairs, attach to wall if possible - check manufacturers instructions.

  • Keep children strapped in when using a high chair, swing, or stroller.

  • Install proper window guards, Windows would have emergency releases if above the 1st floor

  • Be Alert, Be Aware, Wear Proper Gear.

Not Charlotte's Web

It's a World Wide Web and It Can Be Dangerous


What is Online?

SET non-negotiable online safety rules for children and young teens

  • DO NOT share personal information online. (Name, Address, School, Age, etc.)

  • DO NOT share photos online.

  • DO NOT follow or friend anyone you don't know.

  • Keep gaming chat just about the game. (Other topics should be viewed with suspicion)

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Discuss, Remind & Reinforce

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Sticks & Stones

What is Online/Cyber Bullying?

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TALK to your children about BULLYING! Ensure that they know what is considered to be unacceptable behaviour and that they are aware of a few simple guidelines.

  • DO NOT respond to messages that are mean or they do not understand.

  • Encourage them to tell you about any online bullying or anything uncomfortable that they experience.

  • Parents have a hard time accepting that their child may be a bully. Ensure your child understands that something they think is funny, may be devastating to another. Their actions may have terrible consequences to someone else.


Oh NO Canada

What are Canadian Stats on Cyber Bullying?

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Cyberbullying is defined as "willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices".

  • Teachers ranked cyberbullying as their issue of highest concern.

  • 65% of cyberbullying incidents were chronic - lasting more than one year.

  • A survey found that 23% of Canadian students from grades 4-11 have said or done something mean or cruel to someone online, while 37% reported that someone has said or done mean or cruel things to them online that made them feel badly.

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Burning Ring of Fire


Stay Low & Go

What to do if you see smoke?

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Smoke Goes Up - We Go Down


Stop, Drop & Roll

What to do if your clothes catch Fire?

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Stop Immediately - Drop Down & Roll

A Sound You Can Live With


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CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS CHANGE THE BATTERY in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

Get Out!

What is a Home Fire Escape Plan?

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How to Make a Home Fire Escape Plan

Help I Need Somebody!

Seconds count during an emergency.

What is 9-1-1?

If there is an emergency, you may need to make a 911 phone call.

  • Call from a safe location.

  • Children should know their name & address.

  • Remain calm and speak clearly.

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Injury Prevention, Active Living, Child & Family Health, Covid-l9


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101 17th Street East

Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 0A5

Phone: 519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456


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They can provide you with information and services on a number of health and safety topics including - Injury Prevention, Active Living, Child & Family Health, COVID-19, Food Safety, Emergency Preparedness... and much more.



Multi-Agency Team With Access to Mental Health Services


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The CMHA Grey Bruce cultivates hope, resilience and community for those who live with, and are impacted by, mental illness and/or addiction.

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Canadian Mental Health Association, Grey Bruce

1101 2nd Avenue East

Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 2H7

Phone: 519-371-4120 | Crisis: 1-877-470-5200
